sign up for a 2025      small group Now!

Joining a Small Group couldn't be easier!
1. Browse through the groups by day, time, location through our map, videos and info.                                                                                   (Make sure childcare will be available if you need it)

2. Once you've chosen a small group, click the Register button of that Small Group.

3. Fill out the form and click on the Submit button.                                     (One registration per person)

Leadership Resources

  • Ed Martin - Men's breakfast - saturdays - 8:00am - 9:30am

    Join us every week in the Clarksville Vineyard South Auditorium for food, fellowship and teaching

    We'll be going through the Book of Romans

    No Childcare Provided

    Register Here

  • bloom bible studies for women

    This session we're studying Colossians-Christ Alone, Our Everything
    We meet in the Clarksville Vineyard on Thursday mornings at 9:45am and evenings at 6pm.  
    Childcare is provided at no charge.

    Register Here

  • kepley Group-Sundays at 6pm

    This Group meets for 6 Weeks ONLY from January 12 - February 16
    At the Kepley Home - 166 Brad Court, Clarksville (off 41A near Golly G's)

    Topic:  The Power of God's Names
    We will watch videos and discuss from Tony Evans based upon his bestselling book "The Power of God's Names."  Through the names of God, His nature is revealed to us.  Who is God in His fullness?  How has He expressed His riches and righteousness?  How can you trust His goodness?  As you get to know the names of God and understand their meaning, God's character will become rest to you in life-changing ways.

    For more information contact Tyler Kepley at 615-670-5735 or

    Register Here

  • Jeff and Liza Loop Group-Sundays at 6pm

    We will meet in the Loop Home - 1630 Charles Bell Rd, Clarksville, (close to Beachaven Winery)

    Topic:  Gifts of the Spirit

    A study and practice of the gifts of the Spirit.  We plan to start with worship time, then watch a video series, followed by a practical time of listening to God and leaning into the spiritual gifts in a safe environment.

    There is no childcare for this group, but children are welcome to remain with parents during the group.

    NOTE:  For those with allergies, we are a pet family, one dog and one cat.

    Sign Up Here

  • Mike and Alicia Gloss Group-Mondays at 6pm

    We will meet at the Clarksville Vineyard VinHouse (the white house across from the church pavilion)
    Topic: Learning to Live and Love like Jesus

    We will read and study "Learning to Live and Love like Jesus" by author Brandon Cook.  This is a great book filled with practical discipleship direction for groups and individuals.
    Childcare provided at the church.
    For more information contact Mike at 931-220-3615 or

    Sign Up Here

  • Jason and Angela Groppel Group-Mondays at 6pm

    We'll meet in the Vineyard Church Cafe
    Topic:  Overcoming Emotions that Destroy
    We will watch a video series based on Chip Ingram's encouraging and practical book by the same name.  Showing how many emotions lead to anger (and many emotions follow from it) the message is clear:  as we deal with our anger, we deal with the primary cause for all emotions that are destructive in our lives.

    Childcare Provided

    Contact Angela Groppel for more information: 931-624-4809 or

    Sign Up Here

  • Jonathan and Shara Willms Group-Mondays at 6pm

    We will meet at the Nate and Dianna Watts home-405 Tranquill Ln, Clarksville
    Topic:  Discipleship
    An engaging and transformative group where we grow deeper in Christ together.  This group is designed to explore essential topics of our faith, to include church history, spiritual warfare, baptism, fasting and tithing.  Through study, discussion, and practical application, we aim to strengthen our walk with the Lord and encourage one another in our spiritual journey.  Whether you're new to the faith or have been walking with Jesus for years, this group offers a welcoming space to learn, share and grow as disciple of Christ.  The whole family is welcome.
    NOTE: for those with allergies, this is the home of one cat
    Childcare is not provided but children are welcome to remain with parents during the group.

    Contact Jonathan Willms for more information:  615-815-4732 or or Dianna Watts at 813-394-7156

    Sign Up here

  • Ed Martin/Liza Loop Group-Tuesdays at 6pm

    We'll meet in the Vineyard Church Cafe
    Topic:  How to Experience God-Encountering God in Worship
    Using Vineyard USA devotional publications, we plan to read, study, discuss, and provide a space for practical application of the things learned.

    Childcare is provided

    For more information contact Ed Martin: 931-237-1507 or

    Sign Up Here

  • Barry and Lynda Willms Group-Tuesdays at 6:30

    We will meet in the Willms home in Port Royal.
    Topic:  Holy Spirit

    We will learn from a variety of teachers and leaders about the Holy Spirit.  We will hear from Bill Johnson, Gary Best, Jay Pathak, Blaine Cooke, and others to examine a variety of perspectives of who Holy Spirit is and how He is at work in our lives.

    Childcare is not provided but children are welcome to remain with parents during the group.

    For more information contact Barry Willms:  615-306-2830 or

    Sign Up Here

  • Miranda Bielinski/Pat Tomlin Group-Wednesdays at 6pm

    We will meet in the Clarksville Vineyard Church VinHouse (the white house across from the pavilion)
    Topic:  The Beatitudes
    What does it mean to be blessed?  And more importantly, how do we become someone who is blessed?  The kind of life God is calling us to may not look the way we imagined, but it will be better than we could have hoped.  In Matthew 5, Jesus begins His most famous sermon with a list of characteristics, commonly known as the Beatitudes, that offer us a glimpse of what it looks like to live "the blessed life."  But they're not exactly what we might expect.  We will watch and discuss Matt Chandler's videos that examine these critical aspects of our faith.

    Childcare is provided at the church.

    For more information contact Miranda Bielinski at 414-628-0567 or

    Sign Up Here

  • Gunden/Theiss Group-Fridays at 6:30pm

    We'll be meeting at the Gunden home - 794 Iron Wood Circle, Clarksville
    Topic:  "Weird Stuff"

    Genealogy.  Demons.  Miracles.  Rapture.  Lake of Fire.  On the surface, the New Testament contains some seemingly weird things.  But what if we told you the point isn't the "weird?"  In this twelve part series, Dr Jeff Voth and Hebrew scholar, Dr. Nathan French, discuss and make sense of some of the weird stuff in the Bible to ultimately point us back to the needed redemption of Jesus Christ.

    No Childcare provided.  Adult and Teens welcome.

    For more information contact Jodi Gunden at 931-801-3998 or

    Sign Up Here